[QBCore / ESX] Territories script

:world_map: Gangs & Territories script

A script where you can create territories how and where you want. It will come preconfigured with this configuration file, but you’ll be able to freely edit its zones.

The purpose of the script is to entertain players within the server. You’ll have options like decreasing influence due to inactivity or territory conquest by other gangs, ensuring there’s always something happening in the illegal side.

The script has been tested on a server with real players and thoroughly examined to enhance it as much as possible. We’ve included details such as being able to condition deaths (in the case of other scripts like a paintball one) so that you can fully customize the script.

In the ESX version, there will be a completely personalized gang management system. You won’t need a job to belong to a gang as it will run parallel to ESX jobs. Most importantly, all gang management will be without escrow, allowing free modifications.

Regarding the UI of the territories, it will display up to the top 3 gangs with the most influence in the “podium.” They’ll be arranged by influence value, and the panel will only show occupied slots for screen space optimization.

Influences podium real example

One of the script’s standout features is that when selling drugs, a photo of the seller will be sent to the gang with the most influence in the seller’s area (only if someone has more influence than the seller). It will also be sent if a user sells who isn’t in any gang.

You can explore the rest of the features yourself in the documentation or within the script. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for resolution.

territories.json false
config.lua false
client/custom.lua false
server/custom.lua false
ui/* . * false
gangsystem/ * / * .lua false
locales/ * .lua false

[ ! ] The ESX versions require a database. By default, it will come preconfigured with oxmysql or icmysql. You can change this if you’re using a different type of database (Mongo, Redis, etc.) since these files are unprotected by escrow.

Fast ShowCase:



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Script Documentation:



0.0 if not in a gang.

Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +3000
Requirements qb-core or es_extended
Support Yes