[QBCore/ESX/Standalone] HUD System [Karma Developments]

Karma Developments HUD System PURCHASE IT NOW

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:package: Features:

  • Modern Interface :desktop_computer:: Sleek and intuitive design for a seamless experience.

  • HUD Menu Settings :control_knobs:: Customize your HUD and toggle options on/off.

  • Help Guide :books:: Easily add a help guide via config.lua.

  • Ticket Submission for Dependencies :page_facing_up:: Upon purchase, open a ticket to request dependency installation.

  • Vehicle Detection :red_car::zap:: Automatically detects if the vehicle is electric or gasoline.

  • Police Pursuit Modes :police_car::dash:: Configurable pursuit modes for police, all set up via config.lua.

:gem: Why Choose Karma Developments - HUD System ?

User-Friendly Design :jigsaw:: Intuitive and easy to use.

  • Fully Customizable :art:: Personalize every aspect to fit your needs.

  • Enhanced Engagement :chart_with_upwards_trend:: Improve player satisfaction with a polished interface.

  • Performance Optimized :rocket:: Smooth and efficient performance.
    Upgrade your gameplay with the Karma Developments HUD System! :globe_with_meridians::sparkles: