My First Script, Hope you guys enjoy it!
- 0.00ms ResMon
- Configurable Vehicle colors
- Configurable Vehicle Lock Stats
- Configurable Vehicle Plates
Just a Simple Configured PDM to spawn the cars that they’re on preview image
['pdm'] = {
[1] = {
coords = vector4(-45.65, -1093.66, 25.44, 69.5),
Vehicle = 'autarch',
colors = { 1 },
[2] = {
coords = vector4(-48.27, -1101.86, 25.44, 294.5),
Vehicle = 'cheetah',
colors = { 5 },
[3] = {
coords = vector4(-39.6, -1096.01, 25.44, 66.5),
Vehicle = 'deveste',
colors = { 135 },
[4] = {
coords = vector4(-51.21, -1096.77, 25.44, 254.5),
Vehicle = 'entity2',
colors = { 111 },
[5] = {
coords = vector4(-40.18, -1104.13, 25.44, 338.5),
Vehicle = 'fmj',
colors = { 88 },
[6] = {
coords = vector4(-43.31, -1099.02, 25.44, 52.5),
Vehicle = 'zombiea',
colors = { 36 },
[7] = {
coords = vector4(-50.66, -1093.05, 25.44, 222.5),
Vehicle = 'pfister811',
colors = { 53 },
[8] = {
coords = vector4(-44.28, -1102.47, 25.44, 298.5),
Vehicle = 'nero2',
colors = { 142 },