[QBCORE | ESX] Police Training by Dream Scripts

Police Training has been updated! These are the minor updates, more coming shortly.

  • Job Type: Server owners can define job type in the Config.lua
  • NPC Vehicles: NPC Vehicles now stop & delete in time
  • Search Items: I had a blonde moment and had the search items set to what my server uses, it is now fixed to use several default QB items.
  • Session Reset: Training session now resets globally and not just client side
  • Join Training: Your FTO’s (Field Training Officers) can now join when a session is started! To do this, they go up to the NPC and select Join Training Session then walk up to the vehicle the other player is in and boom, they are joined! They will also teleport back to starting location when finished.
  • If you aren’t using the newest qb-core, you may have issues deleting vehicles. If vehicles don’t delete, do the following:
  • Go to qb-core/client/functions
  • Look for this code:
function QBCore.Functions.DeleteVehicle(vehicle)
    SetEntityAsMissionEntity(vehicle, true, true)
  • If that code isn’t there exactly like that, please copy/paste then save and restart you server.

Breach Training is still in progress, I just have ADHD and jump between projects. I’m sorry about the delay.