Wait , so you wrote this code on you live stream ?
Why are using GetPlayerPed(-1) ? Why are u using GetDistanceBetweenCoords() ? Damn man, stop to steal outdated codes and pretend that you wrote it… Outdated code as hell , just changed couple variable names…
Returns the distance between two three-dimensional points, optionally ignoring the Z values. If useZ is false, only the 2D plane (X-Y) will be considered for calculating the distance. Consider using this faster native instead: SYSTEM::VDIST - DVIST always takes in consideration the 3D coordinates.
to answer your statement about GetPlayerPed is legit the same as doing PlayerPedId
I could also say the same about you stealing Jims code to make portable chairs
calm yourself, there is no need to be so hateful.
He wrote it himself and there is no reason to believe otherwise, your just hating for the sake of hating, smh.