Qbcore drug addiction

i come with idea to make player get addicted when they use meth or cokebaggy
i did in my own server and it was great
it helped drugs to be more import in RP
it helped gangs to have more interactions with civilians
you just need to do add or replace some codes in 3 scripts and replace your qb-hud with this edited
qb-hud !
it’s basicly the same qb-hud but i just modified a little bit the html and some lua
you will find all the instruction in addiction.text

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thats a good idea. My server uses ESX. Is there any chance you do this in ESX?

Yeah sure, i will do it very soon

great. I’m waiting for you to publish it. Thank you

any previews?

not of the Hud , of the addiction process

Any way to get it for esx?

Very nice idea but I don’t see why players will make themself addicted to drugs unless its beneficial for them and not just screen effect, for example make it when consumed they get more health (armor), run faster, deal more damage and release stress stuff like this.

Each drug allready have the benifits ! Meth add helth and armor and make you run fast for a periode and coke give 60% shield … so players will needed especialy gangs in their fights and when they do they will be addicted and need to consume every day …
Now you can make producing drugs an illigual job for gangs using my labs script and it’s goanna be perfect … i did that in my server and i added a turf war every 3 days so gangs well ready needed for them and for the territories reputation and it was great

I’ll make it for esx very soon

Nice keep up the good work!

im having problems with line 51 in the addiction.text i get script error when i use meth and my thirst bar depletes and goes away… qbcore/client/loops.lua:32: attempt to compare nil with number

You did not add the metadata in qbcore/server/player.lua