[QBCore] Catalytic Converter Vehicle Theft

With this resource, you are able to steal a vehicles catalytic converter. This adds an extra illegal job that players can do. The config is quite extensive, you can edit quite a bit of things.

I do plan on making this resource quite extensive, you can count on that. As of right now, it’s just a little extra job, you get the item and you can either sell it with the way provided, (configurable) or you can implement it into your own selling script.
It’s cheap for a reason. Hopefully you can enjoy it, though.
Expect updates.

Purchase for $3

Video preview: 2023-06-02 00-17-26
Config preview:

Config.ProgressBar = 8000 --time it takes for you to steal the converter
Config.UsableItem = ‘anglegrinder’ --item you use to steal the catalytic converter
Config.StolenItem = ‘catalyticconverter’ --item you get after stealing the catalytic converter
Config.Amount = 1 --This determines how many converters you want the player to recieve after stealing it.
Config.RemoveItem = false --this will remove 1 anglegrinder from players inventory after cutting the converter off, if you choose to want that.
Config.Cooldown = 300 --This is the cooldown player will recieve after stealing from a car. They will not be able to steal from any car for however many seconds you put.
Config.CarSound = ‘tornado3’ --this is what the car sounds like after the converter is stolen.


Config.NotNearCar = ‘You arent near a car!’ --message it says when the player is not near a car when they use the anglegrinder.
Config.ProgressBarText = ‘Cutting the converter off…’ --text that shows up when you’re cutting it off.
Config.NearCar = ‘You just stole the catalytic converter!’ --message when player successfully steals


Config.EnableSelling = true --option to either turn off the seller, or turn it on. (you may implement it into your own script, just disable this)
Config.SellNPC = vector4(2100.95, -1230.58, 169.62, 88.84) --coords for where the person will be to sell the catalytic converter to.
Config.PedModel = ‘a_m_m_farmer_01’ --this is the ped name, for example, right now it’s a farmer.
Config.Sellitem = ‘catalyticconverter’ --item the npc seller takes.
Config.NoItemsToSell = ‘You dont have any converters to sell!’
Config.Text3D = “Press ~r~[E]~s~ to sell converter”
Config.SellPrice = math.random(300, 1250) – How much money you want the item to be sold for. You can also just have it set to 1 set price. Config.SellPrice = 300 for example.

Code is accessible Config Only
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200
Requirements QBCore
Support Yes

Make a standalone ver and have it change the metas where it sounds like the cat was stolen

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That’s exactly what I was planning to do, along with making the exhaust start smoking. I just haven’t got to it yet! Thanks for the reminder. As far as standalone, I could make the possibility of having it also be ESX. I’d have a config to toggle either one.

Yeah!! Where did you get the idea?

I’m not sure, however I did see something a bit ago doing basically the same thing. However I’m going to be adding a lot more functionality into this script once I get everything sorted on what its currently meant to do. Perhaps make it an all-in-one vehicle theft/selling script. I want to make it so that you can steal peoples tires , cut their brakes, etc. gonna be cool.

Doing one thing as I have time. I’ve added the sound change once the cat is stolen. However, for the standalone/esx compatibility, I’d have to look into how they do things. I will have that ready to go shortly.