QBCore | Businesses script



This is a plug and play script made for qbcore. It allows you to configure multiple businesses just in a single resource


Are you tired of having to add 20 million different business scripts that all do the same but are just registered with a different job? Well me TO!! introducing ren-businesses now you don’t have to worry about adding a new business script you can just configure them in the config with just few clicks and few keyboard strokes. You’re probably are asking but does ren-businesses have everything? Well maybe not everything but it is sure enough for your business man desires. ren-businesses comes included with duty, cash register, storage, outfits,ingredient store and crafting. And did I told you this is fully free? yes you heard me right


You can easily config every part of this business system, you can remove the unneeded things and the system won’t break


I am fully open for suggestions and if you find that this script lacks in some features please let me know!


Crafting table with fully customizable item requirements,
Cloak rooms, with player saved outfits,
Cash register, where employees can create a new bill and customers can pay with targeting the cash register and split the profits with the business owner and the worker,
Storages that you can easily customize to your likings,
ingredient store with fully customizable store locations, items and item prices


Thanks ŠPOKAS#8262 for making this background image!!!




Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~450
Requirements qb-target, qb-core
Support Yes



script is 10/10, working well, easy to use, readable code

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unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to film and edit a preview video, but I tried as much as I can to document everything on my github repository what features this script brings :slightly_smiling_face:

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Glad to hear that! :heart:

Nice work!!! Only i miss a configurable boss menu.

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I didn’t really see a purpose in adding a boss menu when qbcore has a built in boss menu with configurable boss menu locations :slightly_smiling_face:

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oh i need this for esx :frowning:

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Maybe some day, not today, not tomorrow, but some day, when I’m not going to be so lazy and will make a framework wrapper :sweat_smile:


Little Bug!
If you declare the items in the config.lua, not all items that are required are accepted!
I can e.g. Make pancakes that require three items with just one item!
So it doesn’t check the inventory if you have “all” items in your inventory!

Fixed it with a new commit, go check it out, thanks for the feedback!

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I think you must put pData.Functions.AddItem(data.item, 1) outside the bucle for

Damn, I missed that, thanks for pointing this out :heart:

What would be cool if you can set the items you want to craft and how many you want to make! eg. not 1 item but e.g. 10 items! or that the menu is not always closed when crafting, or that it opens again after crafting!

Noted. :heart:

anyway i could have help thanks

ESX pleeeaseee… :sweat_smile:

very good script!

It could be configured to work with a gang.

Someone know how to convert the inventory to ox inventory? I cant get it to work …

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