QBCORE - Anaglyph Rental with Job

Features :fire:

  1. Franchise Management:
  • The system allows for the creation and management of franchisees (Create franchise through config.lua file).

  • Every franchise is unique i.e a vehicle listed in Franchise A cannot be rented from Franchise B

  • Multiple franchises in the city will create competition between franchise owners and will ultimately benefit the middle class people.

  • Franchise owners can sell their franchise for a custom amount (Default franchise owner is Government with 100000$ price and 20% commission, you can change these values from config.lua file)

  1. Commission Module and Franchise Payment Processing:
  • This module enables the franchise owners to set manual commission percentage for every rented vehicle in that franchise (Just like Ola takes commission for every ride).

  • The system collects the commission from every rented vehicle and stores it in the franchise dashboard itself so that the Franchise owners can collect their paychecks from the franchise dashboard.

  1. Lister POV:
  • Anybody can list their purchased vehicle for rent (The vehicle must be purchased by you and must be stored in garage).

  • You can define rent price per minutes while listing your vehicle for rent.

  • You can also unlist a if you do not wish to list that vehicle anymore.

  1. Renters POV:
  • Select, enter time for rent in minute and rent any vehicle from the list that you like (You should have enough money in your bank first).

  • Users can rent modified vehicles. The modified vehicles are denoted by letter M on them.

  • User can cancel the ongoing trip by pressing and holding C though money will not be refunded.

:movie_camera: Anaglyph Rental Preview:

Click here to see the video.

:shopping_cart: Purchase on Tebex 14.99€: Click here to buy

:heart_eyes: Other QBCore Scripts :

Neon spawnselector

Infinity Vehicle Rental

Infinity Inventory

Anaglyph Spawn

Infinity Icecream counter

Matt Inventory

Matt Spawn Selector

Code is accessible No (Only Config)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1200
Requirements QBCore
Support Yes