[QB] VendingJob


This is a script that you work as a vending machine loader.
You get in the pickup truck and I’m starting to charge
If you need help you can always feel free to create a ticket



[QB][PAID] Weedplanting
[QB-ESX][PAID] StolenGoods

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200+
Requirements No
Support Yes

Coming from a person that deals with Vending machines daily, this is nice to see!

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Thanks so much for the release! I was testing this out today and it was working great!
But when I logged back in several hours later, it looks like the job giving ped was duplicating.

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Interesting script, might try this one out.

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The problem most likely comes from the loop. Can download it again through github it’s fixed

I downloaded the latest update and now it spam spawns the npc.

Can you explain what you do after running the server?

What do you mean? I restart the server and go in.

Thanks for waiting. Problem is fixed now

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Very good resource… but a few issues

  1. Some things aren’t in English, like the radar blip or the text on the progress bars. and must be translated.

  2. The payout is way too high and there is no way to adjust the payout for each vend. (example i got over 400$ per vend and some machines take multiple boxes)

  3. The locations aren’t randomized and every time you start the job it will always be the same exact routes in the same exact order

If you want to change something you can do it through the locales folder and select en.lua and from there change the text of the notification/blip.

Everything works randomly I don’t know why you are the same every time the locations I did several tests and I was always almost different add more locations in the config for example 4/5?

Download new version from github