@qb-policejob/client/job.lua:239: attempt to index a nil value (field "items")

Hello. I have a problem with the armory for police.

The only thing I’ve done is change the coordinates of the armory - NOTHING else.
So I did not touch any kind of code.

I hope you can help me out - I’ll drop a video.

Skærmbillede (60)

Which resource is this for and have you tried asking the author or asking in the original topic?

This is for QBCore - as mentioned in the title.

I have tried to ask - but no answer. - So that’s why I am trying on the FiveM forum.

Wdym by original topic?

I know it might seem annoying, but can you try reinstalling qb-policejob using the latest version, and then change the coordinates again.

Here’s the github link if you need it:

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