Hello Community
Today I am releasing my Vehicle Vin System. This script was made to improve vehicle rp and
bring rp between Criminal Players and Cops by creating a system where police are able to track flagged vehicles through the ALPRs in wk_wars2x System and Criminals to be able to steal or chop vehicles.
This does not have missions, this is used more to enhance pvp interaction in your server against cops and crims by giving them a way to interact with cars and the way they are now traced instead of plates, and also to be able to recover said stolen vehicles and for cops to be able to use their ALPRs to be able to interact more on traffic stops, adds a little more spice and thinking on both parties! I hope you enjoy this and It can bring you more rp and satisfaction!
Features Entail
Police System [Automatic License Plate Reader] Uses - > [Release] Wraith ARS 2X | Police radar and plate reader [v1.3.1] exports
Configurable Zones
Congfigurable and Saveable vin numbers
client and server exports : Examples in ReadMe
Free Scrapping Addon : This is a remake to qb-scrapyard to work alomgside this
Free Lifetime support : Never will I charge for support ever. Including Installation
OXMYSQL IS Required : Sorry will not convert to other db syntax
QBCore Renaming Supported : if you changed your qb-core prefixes the this does support that in config
Multi Job Support For Police System
Configurable Keep the Scratched vehicle and or Scrap it w/ Owned Vehicle Configuration
Low ms usage (0.00ms - 0.01ms MAX)
If you have any questions feel free to ask here or ColdStiX#1906
This does use FiveM Escrow Services
[GitHub - MCS1999/Edits]- qb-scrapyard Modified
[GitHub - qbcore-framework/qb-target: A better interaction system for FiveM]- qb-target
[GitHub - IdrisDose/qb-drawtext: A NUI DrawText with a few different config options]- qb-drawtext
[Releases · WolfKnight98/wk_wars2x · GitHub]- ALPR Integration
Settings = {
Police = { -- Setup Police Settings
ActivePolice = 0, -- How Many Needed on to be able to start such activity | 0 to disable
PoliceRoles = {["police"] = 0, ["sheriff"] = 0, ["state"] = 0},
-- PoliceRoles = false | To Disable, Everyone can view vin on vehicles
-- PolcieRoles = {['job_name'] = min_rank} | To Enable
DetectionZones = {
[1] = vector4(138.89, 6526.19, 31.27, 100.0), -- Zone in which players are detected in stolen vehicles (x, y, z, radius)
radarIntegration = false, -- then I have made this extra immersive with radar hits (ALPRs) ... sorta | Required -> https://github.com/WolfKnight98/wk_wars2x/releases
Criminal = {
VinScratchSpots = {
[1] = vector4(1540.48, 6336.34, 23.47, 25.0), -- They can scratch the vins
Minigame = {
duration = math.random(700, 1250), -- Time in MS
pos = math.random(10, 40), -- How Short or Long Target Zone Is
width = math.random(10, 13), -- How Wide the Target zone is
ProgressbarTime = 2000, -- How Long to start removing vin on minigame success
OwnedVehiclesAllowed = true, -- Allow Owned Vehicles to be able to be scrapped and scratched
Framework = { -- Dont change these if you do not kno what you are doing
Object = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject(),
Prefix_QB = 'QBCore',
Prefix = 'qb-',
Debug = true,
Locale = {
-- Server
VinExists = 'Vin Exists Already!',
VinCreated = 'Vin Successfully Printed!',
VinScratched = 'Vin Successfully Scratched!',
-- Client
OpenHood = 'Make sure you are near a vehicle and the hood',
NotNearSpot = 'Too much heat here, go to the spot',
BlacklistedVehicle = 'Vehicle is heavily tracked, cannot perform this action on this model',
RemovingVin = 'Removing Vin',
Vehicles = { -- Must use tilda keys with vehicle model name
Blacklisted = {`police`, `police1`, `police2`, `police3`, 1728770}, -- Cannot be scrapped | Vehicle Hashes Only | can be number or model name
[Showcase] - lol took me 2hrs at 2am to do this sorry for the spell errors. Was very late for me, will correct these on updates!