This is a Direct replacement for LegacyFuel. I uploaded it to github so the code can be seen. I also included the .rar with the files structured already.
It has been adapted for QB , Requires that you have Ox_Lib , & InteractSound.
1.) fixed original script issue where sitting in a vehicle would raise resmon to 0.06
2.) Updated fxmanifest.lua.
3.) Switched all 3d texts to ox_lib UI’s and notifications.
4.) Added Fuel Prop in hand.
5.) Added Pump sounds via interact sound.
6.) Fixed jerry can usage . This is stictly for qbcore.
I did not create the original resource , I have only improved to fix MY needs.
Removed/backup your currently legacy fuel.
Replace it with this new version.
Rename to LegacyFuel
Copy the sound files to your InteractSound client folder with the rest of the sounds.
Restart and enjoy.
FrequencyRoleplay/Legacyfuel-qb-updated: Ox_lib support added for 3d text + pump prop + pump sounds (
LegacyFuel-frp.rar (905.2 KB)
2023-09-27 20-54-21.mkv (21.0 MB)
If you’re selling your resource, please include the following information at the end of your post:
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | Number of lines |
Requirements | Requirements QBcore , Ox-Lib, Interact Sound |
Support | No |
(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)