[QB] [ESX] Survival Hud - DayZ Style

Hud Supports QB-Core, ESX, & QBOX

:moneybag: Purchase Here

GG Studio · Advanced Surival Hud $9.95

New Armor Icon:

Info Icons: (Config to Change Between)

Easy Exports:

exports["SAG-survival-hud"]:setWetness(true) -- True to Show False to Hide

exports["SAG-survival-hud"]:setBleeding(true) -- True to Show False to Hide

exports["SAG-survival-hud"]:setDigestion(true) -- True to Show False to Hide

exports["SAG-survival-hud"]:setDisease(true) -- True to Show False to Hide

exports["SAG-survival-hud"]:setIllness(true) -- True to Show False to Hide

--Broken Bone
exports["SAG-survival-hud"]:setBrokenbone(true) -- True to Show False to Hide

--Player Tempature Bar
exports["SAG-survival-hud"]:setTempature(50) -- Number 0 - 100

--Player Blood Bar
exports["SAG-survival-hud"]:setBlood(50) -- Number 0 - 100

Simple Config:

Config = {}

-- Keep Simple!

-- New Edition for Qbox (Uses Statebags for Food & Water)
Config.Framework = "qb" -- Options [qb, qbox, esx]

-- Only Use if You have a Custom Tempature System - Otherwise its just a visual ui
Config.useTemp = true -- True Enables Tempature Progress Bar
-- Only Use if you have a custom Blood System - Otherwise its just a visual ui
Config.useBlood = true -- True Enables Blood Progress Bar
Config.useThickIcons = false -- True enables thick icons (Only for icons to the left of microphone.)
Config.UseMPH = true -- True sets speed for MPH false does KPH

Config.Fuel = "LegacyFuel" -- Use - [LegacyFuel, hrs, ox_fuel, custom]
-- Custom is mainly used if you changed the name of LegacyFuel
Config.CustomFuel = "name-fuel" -- Only works if Config.Fuel = "custom" also this export looks like this - exports[Config.CustomFuel]:GetFuel(vehicle)

-- 1 = Always Display Minimap
-- 2 = Only Display Minimap while driving
-- 3 = Disable Minimap fully
Config.MiniMap = 1

-- Exports Are in Readme with Simple Instructions.

Config.GtaHudIssue = true -- If you are having issues with base gta hud popping up set this true
Config.IgnoreConfigMinimap = false

Stamina & Speed Hud Elements:
Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (4)

Idle Remon: 0.01 - 0.02

:link: Check Out Other Scripts by GG Studio!

GG Studio · Advanced Hunting System

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements QBCore ESX
Support Yes

this hud is dope im using it and its sick

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Good work. This is going into my next project :eyes:

This for esx would be great and I would get it for my zombie server, someone else has one out there for esx basically the same idea but for like $40…oof


A little more and you’ll be identical to mine

aClSuWT.png (1366×768) (imgur.com)

Yeah, I have never used ESX but for this Hud it wouldn’t be difficult to make it work over there. I will either just update this post or make a new one when I do release the ESX version.

Thanks for the suggestion.

love the release man! keep up the good work!

That would be cool, is armor also in the hud or just health?

Hey man add me on disc, sag2022 I have a esx version if you wanna demo it.

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Hey, sick I am down

DayZ Style Hud, qbcore DayZ Hud, Fivem DayZ Hud, Cheap DayZ Hud

DayZ Style Hud, qbcore DayZ Hud, Fivem DayZ Hud, Cheap DayZ Hud, DayZ Inspired Hud qb-core DayZ Hud qb DayZ Hud

DayZ Style Hud, qbcore DayZ Hud, Fivem DayZ Hud, Cheap DayZ Hud, DayZ Inspired Hud qb-core DayZ Hud qb DayZ Hud

Is it not yet available for esx version??

The parts to make it esx is open source, basically just the food and thirst need changed.

However I want to do an official update for having esx support

Hi, I bought your HUD and I wanted to inquire about how to use the exports etc, for example the temperature how to make it use and what makes it use, the clothes, the weather?

You can join the disc for support link on my tebex page; however the exports are visual elements, they are used within a separate script and simply there to update the Hud. My Hud does not come with any custom infection system, temperature system, bleed system these are there so users have the freedom to add this in and not being limited.

Do you have scripts for the temperature, and everything else for exports, because I thought when I bought it that all the systems were linked in it and that we would just have to configure, I am super bad at exporting etc.

would you make in the future the vehicle hud too? also it looks really nice!

Theres a basic one in there to display mph and fuel level.