[QB/ESX] Renewed Banking V3

:warning: Update Warning :warning:

if you are updating from an older version of Renewed Banking it is recommended that you backup all old Banking database tables incase of any issues that arise when we delete the data from the database to build the new database schema and migrate the data over.

Project Description

Renewed-Banking is a advanced banking resource created by uShifty and maintained by RenewedScripts. The design was inspired by the old layout of NoPixel Banking but, it has been built from scratch. The 2.0 UI, originally reskinned by qwadebot but, has undergone significant modifications by RenewedScripts.



  • Personal, Job, Gang, Shared Accounts
  • Withdraw, Deposit, Transfer between accounts
  • Optimized Resource (0.00ms Running At All Times)

Future Ideas/Plans

  • Transition Transactions Into “Page Controller” To View Graphs/Charts (Visualizing Banking Data)
  • Export Account Button (Button for DOJ to extract account data)


Step 1: Integrate Exports

Integrate the following exports in any external resource that interacts with a player’s bank account:

View Exports
 -- Place this export anywhere that interacts with a Players bank account. (Where it adds or removes money from bank)
exports['Renewed-Banking']:handleTransaction(account, title, amount, message, issuer, receiver, type, transID)
 ---@param account<string> - job name or citizenid
 ---@param title<string> - Title of transaction example `Personal Account / ${Player.PlayerData.citizenid}`
 ---@param amount<number> - Amount of money being transacted
 ---@param message<string> - Description of transaction
 ---@param issuer<string> - Name of Business or Character issuing the bill
 ---@param receiver<string> - Name of Business or Character receiving the bill
 ---@param type<string> - "deposit" or "withdraw"
 ---@param transID<string> - (optional) Force a specific transaction ID instead of generating one.

---@return transaction<table> {
  ---@param trans_id<string> - Transaction ID for the created transaction
  ---@param amount<number> - Amount of money being transacted
  ---@param trans_type<string> - "deposit" or "withdraw"
  ---@param receiver<string> - Name of Business or Character receiving the bill
  ---@param message<string> - Description of transaction
  ---@param issuer<string> - Name of Business or Character issuing the bill
  ---@param time<number> - Epoch timestamp of transaction

 ---@param account<string> - Job Name or Custom Account Name

---@return amount<number> - Amount of money account has or false

exports['Renewed-Banking']:addAccountMoney(account, amount)
 ---@param account<string> - Job Name or Custom Account Name
  ---@param amount<number> - Amount of money being transacted

---@return complete<boolean> - true or false

exports['Renewed-Banking']:removeAccountMoney(account, amount)
 ---@param account<string> - Job Name or Custom Account Name
  ---@param amount<number> - Amount of money being transacted

---@return complete<boolean> - true or false

Society Bank Access

QBCore: Checks if the grade has the isboss variable in their job table.
ESX: Checks if the grade name is “boss”


Old Previous (Includes Video)

YouTube Showcase


GitHub Download
Other Releases


  1. UI Does Not Render What Should I Do?
    Make sure you import the sql file, and download the release from the right side of the github page. It will be labeled Renewed-Banking.rar make sure its not the source code!

  2. How Do I convert from qb-managment → Renewed-Banking?

exports['qb-management']:GetAccount => exports['Renewed-Banking']:getAccountMoney
exports['qb-management']:AddMoney => exports['Renewed-Banking']:addAccountMoney
exports['qb-management']:RemoveMoney => exports['Renewed-Banking']:removeAccountMoney
exports['qb-management']:GetGangAccount=> exports['Renewed-Banking']:getAccountMoney
exports['qb-management']:AddGangMoney=> exports['Renewed-Banking']:addAccountMoney
exports['qb-management']:RemoveGangMoney=> exports['Renewed-Banking']:removeAccountMoney
  1. How can I stop players bank from going negative?
    Navigate to QBCore/config.lua and add “bank” to QBConfig.Money.DontAllowMinus
View Update History


New Database Schema
ox_lib menu ditch Fully UI based
bunch of misc fixes.


ESX Fix Jobs Error (2edf28e)
Fix Native To Retrieve All Players, On Account Name Change
Edited Deposit/Withdraw/Transfer Default Comment To Show Name Instead Of Identifier


Fix QBCore/QBox Compatibility issues
Fix Sanitizing Messages throwing errors for languages
Fix Renewed QB Phone Multi Job not showing jobs


New UI Design
ESX Support Added
QB Dependacies switched to OX
Massive server side optimizations
Rework inital codebase
Delete created accounts


Fix OX integration being ATM only
Added Renewed Phones MultiJob Support (Enable in config)
Fix onResourceStop errors for QB target users
Fixed a couple Account Menu bugs from 1.0.4 OX integration
Slight client side cleanup
Fix exploit allowing players to highjack sub accounts


Add server export to get an accounts transactions.
Add /givecash command
Added ox lib and target support


Fixes the default message when no message is provided when transferring
Added Bank Checks for those who dont like to configure their QBCore
Added a check to ensure player cache exists
Fixed bug with shared accounts and entering a negative value


Added Gangs To SQL
Disabled Deposit At ATM Machines
Fix Error "Form Submission Canceled"
QBCore Locale System Implementation
Implemented Translations To UI (No Need To Edit UI Anymore)
Fix Balance & Transactions Update
Fix Transaction Default Message


Added Banking Blips
Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based FREE
Lines (approximately) 900+
Requirements In Description
Support Yes
------------------------------------- ----------------------------

nicee the design is simple and beautiful

1 Like

very cool much wow

There is an error in the table dude line 22

There isn’t. You didn’t copy it correctly lmao

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add “);” at 23

Are there any other banking systems? I’m looking for one where you have to create a bank account before you can transfer any money.
The ones I’ve seen so far are all the same, like this one.

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Why are you on someone’s post asking if there is any other banking resource? If you want the banking resource to do something specific then code it to do so.


I have problem with ui its not showing any help?

Any help? UI open but nothing appear

I also have issue with UI and i get server side line 68 error something like playercache

To resolve the UI not showing, visit the github page and on the right right you will se Releases. Click on v 1.0.1 and make sure you download Renewed-Banking.rar and not the source code that will fix the issue

The only thing similar with this resource is the UI. Codebase and features are different. You can create a shared bank account and add other players to the account with this resource and not many others have that feature.

Did you insert all the required sql data? Also try restarting your server and see if the error persists. If it does please screenshot the exact error

Hey I updated the github download link to be the direct download from my repo. You can use the direct link in the thread or make sure you download the release from my github page. I added to the thread a FAQ which will answer this question

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3 in 1 resource replacement, free, custom, and fully optimized. Amazing work to the Renewed team <3


Here is the error

Are you using the latest oxmysql? Also are you certain you inserted both sql tables? That error should not be happening unless something is happening with the querys on player join/ on resource start

anyone make version for ESX?

I was going to look into it pre release but their are some things ESX just doesnt have so it will be working slightly different. So I did not bother with it as I am primarily a QBCore dev. I will look into it down the road though as multi framework support is something I am interested in providing

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