[QB/ESX] Placeable Stashes V2

Purchase : https://bbv.world
Preview : https://streamable.com/21ch82

Introducing Placeable Stashes V2: Now you can transform any object into a stash! These stashes can be placed using commands or specific items, and they persistently save their location even through scripts or server restarts.

Stashes can either be accessible to everyone or restricted solely to their owner and law enforcement, with configurations easily adjustable through the settings. In addition, you have the flexibility to customize the settings for each individual prop (stash) directly from the configuration options.

The script offers support for both the QB/ESX Framework and OX/QB/BT Target, and it can be utilized with or without a specific target, utilizing 3D Text as an alternative.

Script Config
Config = {}

QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()  -- uncomment if you use QBCore
-- ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject() -- uncomment if you use ESX

Config.Settings = {
    Framework = "QB", -- QB/ESX
    Target = "OX", -- OX/QB/BT/ST (ST - Standalone).
    Inventory = "OX", -- QB/OX
    Remove = "Owner", -- ( Remove = "All" - Everyone can pickup object ), (Remove = "Owner" - Only the owner and police can pickup.)
    PoliceJob = {"police","sheriff"},
    ReturnItem = true -- Set to true if the stash item should be given to you when picked up; if set to false, no item will be given back when picked up

Config.Zones = {
    RestrictedZones = false, -- if set to false players can place everywhere.
    Size = 15, -- Size of the zone
    Locations = { -- List of zones
        vector3(1340.48, 4387.7, 44.34),
        vector3(1532.07, 1703.29, 109.75),

Config.Stashes = {
    ['stashlv1'] = {
        InteractText = "Open",
        Object = "xm_prop_vancrate_01a",
        zOffest = 0.2,
        Item = 'stashlv1', -- Item used from the inventory -- IF FRAMEWORK IS SET TO "ST" IT WILL CREATE COMMAND WITH WHAT IS SET INSIDE.
        slots = 5,
        weight = 5000,
    ['stashlv2'] = {
        InteractText = "Open",
        Object = "prop_drop_crate_01",
        zOffest = 0.2,
        Item = 'stashlv2', -- Item used from the inventory -- IF FRAMEWORK IS SET TO "ST" IT WILL CREATE COMMAND WITH WHAT IS SET INSIDE.
        slots = 10,
        weight = 10000,
    ['stashlv3'] = {
        InteractText = "Open",
        Object = "h4_prop_h4_mil_crate_02",
        zOffest = 0.2,
        Item = 'stashlv3', -- Item used from the inventory -- IF FRAMEWORK IS SET TO "ST" IT WILL CREATE COMMAND WITH WHAT IS SET INSIDE.
        slots = 15,
        weight = 15000,


We are using the FiveM asset escrow system to protect sensitive files. You can read more about the escrow system here (Introducing Asset Escrow for your resources )

The purchase is done through Tebex, an official partner of fivem. After The purchase, you’ll have access to download the files from the keymaster / Purchased assets tab.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements QB or ESX
Support Yes

What a fire release, Love the way you are working

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if we already own bbv-stashes are we required to purchase v2

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No, It should be added to your keymaster automatic

Is possible to buy open source resource? Or will it be?

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Unfortunately, open source is not available for sale, and it won’t be in the future.

you tried qs-inventory with this ?

i had to repurchase it as it wasnt there

Hi, do the items remain stored when you pick up the stash object or do they disappear and this just works as a temporary storage when on the ground?

QS Inventory working?

does this work with qb inventory

Yes it dose

how do i spawn the crate in

Screenshot 2025-02-03 163531

gives me this error everytime i try an put it in qb core items.lua

open a ticket in my discord server