[QB] [ESX] [CUSTOM] Interactive ATMs

Benite ATM is an IMMERSIVE script that pushes boundaries between game and UI by greatly extending the interactivity with in-game ATMs




  • Lore Friendly
    • Benite ATM uses lore friendly brands, and bases its UI on existing in-game UI textures.
  • Extreme Immersion
    • Benite ATM is a first of its kind unique script that revolutionizes the immersive GTA roleplay experience by adding yet unseen levels of interaction with the in-game ATMs
  • Frameworks
    • Benite ATM is easily expandable and supports both QBCore, ESX and Custom frameworks
  • Custom Experience
    • Benite ATM allows the user to tailor the script to their needs. The user is for example able to create custom handlers and edit language files
  • Well Optimized
    • Benite ATM runs at <0.02ms when idle, and at MAX ~0.10ms when performing certain expensive non-looping operations


Lifetime (4.5€)



I will happily answer any questions below!

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 3300 (Lua + TS)
Requirements ESX / QBCore
Support Yes

Looks like a great script and idea. I am just wondering if anybody around the person that is using the ATM can see what is on the screen as well? And if its possible to remove the deposit option for atm?

Works with QB and qb-banking?

1 Like

Very good work

v1.1.0 Update

  • Added QBCore support
  • Added Custom framework support

The screen itself is unfortunately client-only for now.
This will remain until we’ve gotten our streaming solution up to performance standards, so expect it in the near future.

Looks really cool! Good job!

after reading 13.7k topics on these forums I think this is probably the coolest mod ive ever seen. Very good work.


can we get some target support as this “press E” thing is so 2019

Sorry for the late reply. The aim was to make this as close to “vanilla” as possible. Target support is planned