[QB-Core] Truck Heists Pack

Purchase: Tebex
Purchase Escrow: Tebex

This bundle contains:
[QB-Core] Police Truck Heist V1
[QB-Core] Police Truck Heist V2
[QB-Core] Military Truck Heist

- Detailed and easy config. (change police quality, change drop items).
- Easy set up (drag and drop)
- Complete synchronisation with other players.
- Option to start the heist only at night.
- Option to start the heist only if required number of cops are in the city.
- Police alerts.
- Fully optimized. - 0.00ms
- Support. - 24/7

Other Bundles:
[QB/ESX] 1 Month Subscription - (All projects)
[QB/ESX] Bundle All Resource
[QB/ESX] Bundle Heists
[QB/ESX] Bundle Robbery

Other Scripts:
[QB/ESX] Tech Store Robbery
[QB/ESX] Humane Labs Heist
[QB/ESX] Military Base Heist
[QB/ESX] Rancho Heist
[QB/ESX] Police Department Heist
[QB/ESX] Military Truck Heist
[QB/ESX] Yacht Heist
[QB/ESX] Weed Store Robbery
[QB/ESX] Merry Weather Heist
[QB/ESX] Pharmacy Robbery
[QB/ESX] Meth Lab Heist
[QB/ESX] Police Truck Heist V2
[QB/ESX] Oxy Heist
[QB/ESX] Bank Truck Heist
[QB/ESX] Meth Heist
[QB/ESX] Ammunation Robbery
[QB/ESX] Heist Template
[QB/ESX] Printing Fake Money
[QB/ESX] ATM Robbery
[QB/ESX] Night Club Job

Almost Free Scripts:
Speedy Courier Job
Jewelry Heist
Police Truck Heist V1
Car Theft
Bob Cat Truck Heist
Weed Heist
Cocaine Heist
Weed Shop Robbery V2
Luxury Vehicle Rental

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1100
Requirements N/A
Support Yes
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