QB-Core Restaurant Job

Hello everyone,

This is a civilian restaurant job that will basically create 50-100 random orders that the employees can access through the UI. They will then need to get all the required items (however you want to set that up for now, planning on adding a fridge and other assorted kitchen storage for these items later on) and complete the order in the UI with those items.

With this, you are able to create custom recipes in the Config.Lua. Do do this, you will need to go into the Config.Lua, add a new object under the most recent one (or delete the examples and create a new one) and put the name of the order, the price of the order, and the recipe of the object. In the recipe, you are going to put the name of the item that is needed and the amount. Then, you will need to go to the object under Config.Items to Config.ItemNames and add the name you put for the items needed in the recipe and set them equal to the item name in shared Items.lua. Sounds complicated, but you can just follow the examples that are already in there.

As for the UI, this is just a template now as I am still new to using the UI, I am planning on releasing a new version soon with a updated UI that looks a lot better than the current one, but this is just a placeholder while I work on that because I didn’t want to wait forever to gain feedback on this resource.

To install this resource, it’s pretty simple. All you will need to do is drag the resource into your resources folder and add it to the server.cfg.

Hope you guys enjoy!

Last Updated: 11/6/2022 5:16 PM PST

Last Update: Updated to remove items from inventory

qb-restaurant.zip (1.2 MB)


you able to put the inventory images into a file and core items inside read me maybe, if you are able to

Done. Should be on direct download and on GitHub download.

I love the script, but people can just sit there, and spam sell as the items don’t delete from your inventory making 19k after competing orders

Sorry about the items not deleting, turns out that I forgot to add the lines that remove the items. I just added them in and they will be updated in just a few minutes on the download and GitHub. As for the payout, in the config, you can change the maximum and minimum money added per order so if you change the max to 5 and the minimum to 1, every order completed will give a random number between 1 to 5 and when you end the job, it will add up all the orders money and add it. Hopefully that helps.

If you run into any other problems with the script, please let me know so I can fix it as soon as possible!

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this looks amazing! :slight_smile: keep up the great work!

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is there a way for me to change the blimp for the job

You should be able to go into client.lua and below line 13, add the following lines

SetBlipSprite(ManagerPed, spriteId)

In the initialize function.

what would i do after that?

Instead of putting “spriteId” put the id of the sprite that you want. You can search “fivem sprite ids” on google and put in the id of that sprite there. So something like

SetBlipSprite(ManagerPed, 1)

Where 1 represents the ID of the sprite.