[Qb-Core] Mechanics Run
Preview :
Hello and welcome to my new run script !
In this script, your job is to repair some damaged vehicles !
Works with Onesync
You can configure :
- The language
- The amount of money
- The currency
- The Money a society recieved for each run
- The model of the ped to start the mission
- To show the run blip
- The webhook
- If a job is required
- All peds and vehicle models
Start methods :
- By a command
- By an item
- By a ped (configurable in the config file)
(Simple triggerEvent to be able to implement it in any job script)
And more in the open source script !
Tech update🛠️ 12/04/2024
- Fixed when peds and cars was not spawned
- Peds will no longer flee when cars drive near them
- This script is now on Keymaster
Tebex link : [Qb-Core] Mechanics Run
there will be mores updates with new features (accessible if you already buy it)
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 600 ± |
Requirements | Qb-Core - polyzone |
Support | Yes |