QB-Core Advanced Evidence / Scene Detective Script

Improve your police & detectives investigations by allowing them to view a scene as it happened with this advanced evidence script for weapons, vehicles & fingerprints (requires qb-target). Supports multiple jobs being able to use the flashlight. Includes an item criminals (or a clean-up crew) can use to clean up an area of evidence.

Supports PolyZone for disabling evidence dropping in hot spots (Bank etc)

Tebex: https://sc0tt.tebex.io/package/5430269

Preview: Watch qb-advevidence | Streamable
Preview (HD): https://youtu.be/q8yfwclLICk

Weapon Evidence

  • Visual velocity of shot from gun to hit location
  • Projectiles (casings)
  • Mags / Reloading
  • Shows which bullet was the fatal shot
  • If shooting vehicle, coloured metal shards will be dropped

Vehicle Evidence

  • Rubber tracks (heavy & light)
  • See which tyre type left the track
  • Crashes leave shards of coloured paint

Fingerprint Evidence

  • Leaves fingerprints on any qb-target interaction

Script includes an export to add custom evidence, see README.md

Support is provided via Discord

Code is accessible Config Only
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements qb-core
Support Yes

Whats the resmon like? Can we still use Evidence bags to collect evidence?

Resmon idle is 0.1-0.2, depends if you’re an officer.

This doesn’t replace the evidence bags already there, just adds to it :slight_smile:

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Alright, sold! I can’t wait to try this

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whats the resmon values both client and server side while in use or like on duty as a police officer

As above, 0.1-0.2 on the client, it goes up when things are actually being drawn and that is fully dependent on how much it is drawing. The server does basically nothing other than compare a time and vectors so will probably be 0.0 when not in use, then it depends how many users are using it at once (But I didn’t check this).

That’s as much as I can give you really it highly depends on usage & player counts etc so I’d just be guessing. We ran a simpler version of this on our old server which regularly had 30+ players without issue.

Gsr test doesnt work for me, and cant pickup casings, any help available?

This is amazing, the kind of evidence system I dream to have but unfortunately it is not ESX or I’d get this asap. Keep it up though!

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