[QB] Base Building DAYZ/RUST inspired

Building asset for FiveM QB Core Servers. It can use in survival or RP ( to custom interior ) . You can add all object you want for build. The player need to click on object in inventory and the build event is launch. All objects build by player are serversided and are save in database ,respawn after reboot.

Version : 1.0 ( more import object incoming :wink: )

VIDEO : https://youtu.be/EHdvsuMSXSI

Price : 35 € + VAT ( escrow ) https://darek.tebex.io/package/5494091

Note : In video , objects spawn in the air, it’s fix now

VIDEO ( C4 demo ) : https://youtu.be/obwKd4K_kvo

My objects :

Light : Player can turn on or off the projector even in blackout mod

Walls : Nothing special, you can destroy them with c4

Doors : They are synchronized when opening and closing, you can destroy them with a tool or c4. Owner must set a PIN

Lockers/Tent : You can store items in it

You can add what you want in category existant or not : stairs , vegetation , more lockers
 all you want !!!

To interact with objects, use the ALT left menu Dependencies : QB CORE , QB INVENTORY , QB TARGET, PROGRESSBAR

For version 2.0 : Add of half wall ,Add metal walls, Add of wooden fence ,Add window frame with windows, Add Generator with fuel level ( coming soon if this asset is success )




You can now edit KEY in config
Some bugs fix

Contact Discord : Darek#2260

Code is accessible Yes/No
Subscription-based Yes/No
Lines (approximately) +500
Requirements QB CORE
Support Yes/No

Nice. Do you know what is the max object limit in fivem?

No i don’t sorry , but , I have already encountered this kind of script and the server was working correctly - ~ 50 players

The recommended maximum limit is around 100,000 to 150,000 objects to maintain stable performance. However, the objcet spawner is definitely not worth 80€, because there is a free one link

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It’s a spawner that uses items for survival servers.
There is a snapping function that uses math ( ergo ++++ for building ). There are objects that I created myself and imported. + Door system , explode and force system , lights system and inventory system
It may be a little expensive, I would see to make a discount if necessary.

What you’re not saying is you come crying in my DMs to get a discount.
If you can find the same elsewhere, why you want mine?

This looks really interesting, why don’t you take a screenshot with why I was look at your script?

Is this what you call crying for a discount?
But doesn’t matter, find the obj id and add a function explode the door that is not worth 80€.
As you said you used math or something else, they all done in the free obj spawner. ps-objectspawner

Everyone have fun!

bcz i m french and don’t understand what you mean.

so why you want mine take the free ??? and stop cry here bcz i tell you no , kid :joy:

it’s 35 for using in a server , no 8O?.

EDIT : Remove not escrow version
Contact me if you want not escrow

Thank to Sam , you want my code , like i said , do it yourself :slight_smile:

5 years old? When do you see me wanting your script for free? The free script link I posted is not much different from yours, questioning your price doesn’t mean needing your script. Stop crying like you always say, don’t cry because I posted the same kind of script for free. You cry like a merchant who can’t sell goods trying to suppress free sharing.

Yeup thx for upping , have a good day kid

Don’t be t*xic bro, respect the work of all developpers.

Okay sometimes some developpers can set a high price but think that according to the level of some people they have worked more or less and therefore put a price more or less high in relation to their skills and their work time.

It is easy for you to criticize the work of others when you have a good level, think about it each one at his level and each one progresses as he can so each one put the price he wishes according to his work. It’s only a question of point of view, no need to shoot people when you don’t agree with them and to cry scandal, you waste your time on forums just to express your discontent it’s worthy of a 12 years old child.

Once again, respect the work of others even if it doesn’t suit you!

Translated with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator (free version) ← And I assume to use it! ahah

Same saying to you. Don’t be t*xic bro.
if you want support him, show me your receipts in his store. Don’t be child only talking. Btw, deep translate needs you pay more to support them while not use it to be child lol.

:eyes: :eyes:


and more coming soon 