Push to talk, talk ingame

Hello guys!

I have a huge problem ingame. I cannot talk with my selected PTT buttom, and i have choose the right Microphone device, it dosent say “talking” or change color of the “talk” when i press my button, it’s so annoying. :confused: i have tried everything, voice sensitivity, turn everything on/off several times, still NOTHING doesnt work. :confused: Is it anyone here who have a solution for that? I would really appreciate it.

Can you hear yourself when you are in the voice settings and press your PTT?

Havent tried to talk while in the voice menu and press PTT, just ingame. Its no problem with my microphone device or something like that, it just wont work when i try to talk ingame, nothing hapens. I have also tried another hotkey but still haveing issues, it’s really annoying i have been whitelisted on a really good server but cant talk :confused:

you ever found afix? having the same prblem