Pulling data from item metadata

Probably a simple question but just wondering how you can pull data from an item’s metadata on the client side.

An example of what I’m trying to do. (New to coding and just making a simple script to figure things out)

Server- Sets the metadata
RegisterNetEvent(‘tg_armor:buyvest’, function(playerVest)
exports.ox_inventory:AddItem(source, ‘vest’, 1,
{description = ‘Vest: ‘…playerVest…’’, vest = playerVest}

Client- This is where i’m stuck. I’m want to pull the vest metadata from the item and set it as a local.
exports(‘equiparmor’, function()
local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
local playerProp = GetPedDrawableVariation(playerPed, 9)
local playerVest = ???

if playerProp == 0 then
    print('not wearing armor')
    SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 9, playerVest)

when you use the item you can do this to see if metadata you put in the item displays

exports.ox_inventory:useItem(data, cb)

An example of it would be something like this

exports('equiparmor', function()
    exports.ox_inventory:useItem(data, cb)
        if data and data.metadata then
            print('Metadata:', json.encode(data.metadata))
            print('No metadata.')

The output should somewhat look like this in your client console

Metadata: {"vest":5,"description":"Vest: 5"}

Make sure you also put the export in the item when used, for example:

	['vest'] = {
		label = 'Vest',
		weight = 500,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = 'Armor Vest',
		client = {
			export = 'resourcename.equiparmor'

PS: This isn’t copy and paste just example of what might work for what you’re asking