Public Enemy Roleplay | Open Beta | Hiring All Departments| Custom Vehicles | QBCore

Public Enemy Roleplay🏙️
We strive for professionalism and realism, while operating efficiently using the QBCore framework.
We have an active staff team that will provide help and support to new members whenever the need arises.

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Our Departments
Public Enemy Roleplay has 3 law enforcement entities as well as fire surpression and emergency medical response. These emergency entities consist of:

:police_car: * Los Santos Police Department
:policeman: * Blaine County Sheriff’s Office
:rotating_light: * San Andreas Highway Patrol
:fire_engine: * San Andreas Fire & Rescue Department

Law Enforcement departments have a training program that operates as a joint effort. Whereas, the fire department’s training academy is extensive and based upon real-world procedures & Policies. Both Law enforcement and the fire department are overseen by members who have real-world experience in the emergency services. There is also an integrated CAD and radio system which ensures that all actions can be completed within the game window.

Some Of The Things We Offer Civilians
:moneybag: * An economy system with mobile banking as well as the ability to buy and sell cryptocurrency using the cellphone.
:blue_car: * A high quality vehicle purchase system which allows both private party sales, and dealership financing.
:money_mouth_face: * Many, many ways to generate income, whether it is legal or not.
:tshirt: * A wide variety of custom clothing items, including a server favorite: “BIG ASS CHAIN."
:flight_departure: * The entirety of the map is open at all times. Feel free to go anywhere on the map.
:hammer_and_wrench: * Crafting system with levels. The higher the level, the more items you can craft, such as firearms.
:gun: * A Black Market where you can buy weapons not found in the gun store. As well as, supplies to manufacture and distribute drugs.
:join: * Inquire Today to find out Much Much More!

Check Out Some of these great photos from the server. Join Today!