Proximity text chat samp style

Hello guys,
I would like to know if is possible to have a proximity text chat?

Sorry for my english…

what is samp voice chat like?

I’m not talking about voice chat but text chat.


hello. Here is 20 meters proximity text chat. It is fast-maded for your request.
Let me explain how i test it alone. Just changed < 19.9999 to > 19.9999 and got results.
But it need to be tested with more than 1 players.

try this in server side:

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(source, name, message)
	local pname = GetPlayerName(source)
	TriggerClientEvent("sendProximityMessage", -1, source, pname, message)

and this in client side:

AddEventHandler('sendProximityMessage', function(id, name, message)
	local sid = GetPlayerServerId(id)
	if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1)), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(sid)), true) < 19.999 then
		TriggerEvent('chatMessage', name, {0, 255, 0}, message)

Can not test alone, but it works for me. Need some tests… Can you, please, if you have some friends, test it and write results here?

I’ll try tomorrow
Thanks for your help !

this doesn’t work, it’s strange when i talk far everyone hear and when everyone talk far from they even don’t hear themself. Do you find an other way ?

here is the solution [Release][EssentialMode] Local chat, local /me, local /do