Hello, I’m doing a new addon for esx named N3X_PHONE
a new phone that has its own O.S named N3X_OS.
people can create applications with html, free to put js, at least that’s what I would like to create, but I do not know enough about LUA, and I code in HTML CSS JS & VUEJS, not the lua.
the phone will have more features than that, the design shows you what apps I would like to achieve and it is far from the final version if you are interested in creating this project with me, thank you for contacting me on discord.
Discord: -=N.3.X=-#2588
The project is aborted , i didn’t find lua coder when i need it, its have been finally aborted, but one day who knows, im not play fivem that much,i don’t have that much time anymore, i think that next time i will contact the creator of GC_Phone (Gannon) its a guy from N3M TV, i stopped also NBoard for same reasons : No time, i could contact you if i restart the project, all html , css files and views systems are done, this phone will have thier own O.S, this phone will not be made to be customized, but solid, stable, and constantly updated , the phone and the whole OS will not be given, only index.html with lua files will be in your scripts, the index is loading an external js, that is the OS, then its use the lua files, the phone was designed to make custom apps easly , i said it will not be distributed because its not open source how ever it will be completly easy to make apps , see this phone like an iphone (IOS) and GC Phone as an android
the possibility of views are unlimited the phone could have, youtube, spotify (with thier API) apps , and a lots of more, i may one day restart the project, good to see that im not alone to love this phone design
For every one this project still under dev, isn’t canceled, but im the only one that devs it, and i dont master fivem function and the gta v natives functions yet, im learning NUI in order communicate from lua to html & js , so i will be done one day, im looking for a expert in lua dev, if i found one this project could be finished faster