Propset on train carriage

Custom propset on train carriages are not sync when player go in and out scope.
No issue on regular draft vehicles

What do you mean by “custom propset”? Also I would like to see some reproduction code.

If you set random propset on this carriage he is not sync for other, and dissapear if you go out/in scope
I have to broadcast changes, and handle out/in scope manualy to have correct sync, it does the job

crun Citizen.InvokeNative(0xD80FAF919A2E56EA, 64098, 0x7A648A97)

I have noticed, on draft veh if you set propset on veh it’s visibly sync but you can get it on other client always false

Ah, I see, such propsets actually creating CNetObjPropset. It seems our server position parsing code don’t support propsets that was attached to vehicles yet. However should be quite easy to fix.