[PROPS] Restaurant food

Hey, these are my new props :blush:
Props are especially suitable for RP servers :plate_with_cutlery:


  • 12x food on a plate
    (Schnitzel with fries, Schnitzel with croquettes, Spaghetti, Grilled fish, Steak with potatoes, Steak with fries, Lobster, Eggs with toast, Sushi, Shrimps with sauce, Chicken with potatoes, Vegetarian salad)
  • clean plate, dirty plate and plates
  • 7x fork + 2x chopsticks with sushi
  • several other props for food preparation (see images)


GIF - eating



Preview 2

In time




The animation is in the package.
Please pay attention to the important notice in the description on Tebex.

Purchase: Tebex :shopping_cart:
Code for ox_inventory: link
Code for qb-smallresources: link
List of props + images for inventory: link

Edit 16/1/2024:
Available icons from yaroph, thanks :hugs:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
File size 1 - 161kB (+ 242kB textures)
Requirements Some script and knowledge of programming language (to run the animation properly). If you want to use props as decoration, you’ll need a map builder.
Support Yes (only props)
Animation coords Yes, for eating

Instantly bought and love it!

I wish I could use the second props for the devcore_needs, I can’t figure it out :joy:

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I can’t help you because I don’t understand the scripts :sob: so sorry. But you can try joining my DC. Some users are using this script and may be able to help you :disappointed:

Really great, just bought it and tried my server!

There is folder for_version_3.0.0 which script is that for?


This is for script bzzz_usableitems (esx)

As always awesome work BzZzi :innocent:

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Love it, amazing work :star_struck:

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these are really good!!

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Users who already have the package purchased can download the icons for free on my Discord or send me a private message :slight_smile:

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Oh, it looks great! It would be great if you could incorporate a recipe for ‘London broil slow cooker’ or other interesting dishes, not only fast food. Additionally, exploring diverse culinary options can enhance the overall appeal of your content, providing a well-rounded experience for a wider audience with varying tastes and preferences.

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Hello, not sure if the forum is still active but is there any way for all of your food packs to be consolidated? Like into 1 big one or a couple folders? Thanks…I’m ready to grab all of them.

I’ve probably already answered you, but I’ll answer again here if someone has the same question.

My props can be merged into one folder. They are not locked. Instructions are on my tebex in the FAQ.

If you are buying all packages or many packages, please contact me after paying the order with your tbx ID and I will send you the merged packages.

You do not need to add free props to your order. I will add them to the resource automatically.