with these props, you can create illuminated signs wherever you need them.
List of props: (174x props)
- Letters A-Z in red (weak glow), blue (medium glow) and green (intense glow)
- Numbers 0-9 in red (weak glow), blue (medium glow) and green (intense glow)
- Symbols @%§ * $ & ? ; , : ) ~ ! # . “ + ‘ / | - _ in red (weak glow), blue (medium glow) and green (intense glow)
The props have textures embedded at a size of 4x4. By changing the texture, you can change the letter’s color. All props are unlocked, and you can modify them as needed for your own purposes.
Tebex: https://bzzz.tebex.io/package/5900807
List of my props: https://bzzz.wiki/
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
File size | 2 - 39kB |
Max. polygons / vertices | 772 / 2316 (symbol @) |
Requirements | Map creator or objekt spawner |
Support | Yes |