[PROPS] 3x Bitcoin ATM

these are my new bitcoin ATMs for your roleplay servers :blush:

  • large
  • small
  • on the wall


Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

If you need pictures of these props or to find another specific prop, you can use the Prop of list.
Purchase: Tebex (± 1.5€)

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
File size 13 - 36 kB
Requirements Any map editor or spawn script
Support Yes

Have a nice weekend :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


Great Work!

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< not hating but >

didnt you just retexture this model?

No. My ATM props are modeled and textured by me. I gather inspiration from the internet based on photos. I don’t think they are 100% identical. It’s challenging to assess from a images. However, if you’re certain they’re the same, you have purchased a leak.

Your model is only converted to GTA. My model was made by me.

BzZzi models her own props. There are many people in this community who will happily retextue Rockstar assets for exorbitant prices but she’s not one of them :smiling_face:


thanks for clarifying, seen someone selling the the model as pictured above, and just wanted to ask.

again i am now assuming you are the original creator and the other guy is trying to scam others by selling your model

Good work :heart:

1 Like

No, they’re two similar models. They are not the same :slight_smile:

I see different parts.

It is not difficult to create this model. Maybe in the future someone will create another similar model :slight_smile: