[Prop/Ymap] Clean Beaver

Who doesn’t love a nice clean beaver?

Beaver Features

  • Quiet, but powerful.
  • Shiny eyes.
  • Hard as a rock.

Includes small beaver prop (as shown), a large beaver prop, and ymap to place 3 small beavers along the river in the state park.
Has correct and working collisions, LODs, etc.

See My Beaver

Beaver Shot

He has a twinkle in his eye and he does not want you dumping trash in his park!

Before & After

My beaver was once old and dirty, but now clean and healthy.
Mainly made as a test prop a while ago but I like it too much not to let everyone have some.

Take My Beaver

Beavers.zip (1.6 MB)



Place the uncompressed folder in your server resources and add: start Beavers to your server.cfg
If you don’t want the beavers already placed, remove Beavers.ymap


Simple but cool, I like it Good Work.
