Prop Menu

This simple menu allows you to spawn any prop from a list you configure, it also supports custom props as long as they are streamed correctly.
The menu is configurable and uses NativeUI for a user-friendly layout.
Default Keybinds:
F5 - open the menu
E - place prop
R - cancel placement

Download Link (20.6 KB)


nice work bro

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Hey man! Awesome work! Just wanted to share this link with you! I think it would be a great idea to implement a list of default GTA 5 props across Gamebuilds, and then you could possibly add a gamebuild check and if the prop is on say, 2699 but the server isn’t, you could add a message saying “prop could not be spawned due to insufficient gamebuild” or whatever?

Anyways, I hope my idea inspires you. Great script! Hope you expand on it :slightly_smiling_face:

Prop List - All GTA 5 Props up to the latest gamebuild

Also perhaps you could add an ace permission setup so only certain people can use the menu, and perhaps some sort of white listing for those anticheat scripts?

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I like what you done here to be honest. I might do some work with it and let you know if my work is functioning as intendet cause this seems legit good to have. Just needs to have more props in the system :smiley:

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You can add as many props as you would like in the config.lua

Sometimes the most simplest scripts are the best


Great script any way to get them to save in location ?

You mean save as In stay there always?

yes thats correct

This script will be really helpful. Thanks

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the prop stays spawned until the server is restarted.

i would like the option to have chosen ones stay permanant if possibe ?

Hi, i spawn my custom prop but the menu then closes,the prop dosent spawn and the menu is broken after that.

was their ever an ace permissions setup cause i need it

Any way to make the object move up and down??

how to set addon props from my stream folder