Prop items for ox_inventory (ESX, QB, OX, ND)


Created this about a year ago, basically you just need to add the example items to ox_inventory and if you want you can create your own following the examples. This will allow players to use items and they will spawn as props and they will be able to pick them up aswell. Simple but useful and nice script.




Hello Andy
Pensez-vous qu’il soit possible de faire une compatibilité avec QS Inventory ?

je pense regarder comment il est fait et ladapter a qs inventory

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Not as easily, just use ox inventory it’s by far the best inventory once you use it you’re not going back to the garbage exploitable inventories.


Very nice :fire:

Make sure the resource is started

Can you make it for qs-inventory? :smiley:

Just use ox_inventory there’s so much that’s possible with it that isn’t possible in other inventories.

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