🏙️ | Project Xeon | Recently Updated & Opened to public | Serious Roleplay | New Scripts | Customable Gang | Ownable Business | Ownable Housing | Custom Cars

bump - Still Hiring

Some ingame images

All stores + Gas stations are buyable

bump - Still hiring

Bumpo Server is live and starting to populated

We maybe doing even some point this week to allow players to gain money, vehicles and expensive items !!!

Server back up and is liver afternoon little mishap with our providers !!!

Project Xeon still in looks for EMS Chief as well as other jobs just contact us in a ticket

We’ve moved to better and more reliable server host as well.

Create a Crew for free [/crew]
Hiring - Police
Hiring - EMS
Hiring - Mechanic’s
Hiring - Company Boss Roles

Own your own Shops
Own your own Logistic Companies
Run your own Drug/Black Market Business

Bump - we’re still hiring we maybe doing a server event on server this weekend

How’s it going folks we’re looking for people to fill whitelisted jobs, but we have non-whitelisted jobs such as mechanics, storekeepers, and many other jobs, we’re also looking for staff members to help with communicate with people and help us advertise in our staff team.

yo that boat nice is it free ?