🏙️ | Project Xeon | Recently Updated & Opened to public | Serious Roleplay | New Scripts | Customable Gang | Ownable Business | Ownable Housing | Custom Cars

we are still recruiting for staff members !!! and are possibly holding server event this friday

Latest update - we are still recruiting for staff and whitelisted roles.

Bump - we are still recruiting we are looking for another developer to help out on our community, Feel free to contact Mul or Jayisback12

we are still alive, we are in current hiring status, looking for folk who are over the age of 17 and can respect their roles, we are still also looking for players to fill our whitelisted slots as well as another developer who could help us out on our server.

we have updated our origional post and we are recruiting for whitelisted jobs and Staff Roles

Bump we’re still hiring and in search for all whitelisted jobs and hiring for staff as well just contact myself or mulgirtab

Still hiring for for whitelisted Roles

  • Police
  • EMS - Boss
  • Justice Department - Boss
  • Real Estate - Boss
  • GoPostal - Boss
  • Garbage man - Boss

Staff roles as well

i need good


We’re still hiring for all of the following roles

  • Police
  • EMS - Boss
  • Justice Department - Boss
  • Real Estate - Boss
  • GoPostal - Boss
  • Garbage man - Boss

Just message us in discord and we’ll get back to you asap

we’re so close to reopening the server soon.

Bump Still hiring Guys !!! :slight_smile:

Hi, Update, We are looking for people who are whiling to help us out with whitelisted roles, our server will be open to the public soon, but there are few rule that we need help filling so that when players come on they can be assisted and help on how that role works or how to use certain mechanics.

Our latest build contains alot of new script helping condense the population of scripts that we had before as well as bring new jobs and fun mechanics to make role play alot of fun.

Release Date is
Saturday 27th March
GMT = 3PM - 4 PM
MDT = 9 AM - 10 AM

We are currently still hiring for Staff Roles & Whitelisted Roles, Please Feel free to contact us to get more information on these roles!! :slight_smile:

Hi, We are so close to launch day but we are in despite need to fill up staff roles and whitelisted roles

The server is now live! Come on in and get your RP on! Connect cfx.re/join/wm88j9 come join us also our discord is https://discord.gg/eHMva25

We are still hiring for following roles

EMS - Chief
EMS - Department
Banker - Boss

Great staff, great server, great scripts, great community! Come and join us!

The server is now live! Come on in and get your RP on! Connect cfx.re/join/wm88j9

Our discord is - https://discord.gg/eHMva25

we are also hiring for both Staff and Whitelisted Roles

We are live and looking for players and hiring for both whitelisted jobs as well as staff roles just msg staff they will help you where to go, also we will be doing bunch of events in upcoming weeks to help players get on there feet,

For those who are wondering We are economy server with ownable business that can be run by any players, you do not require to be whitelisted to get onto this server just connect via f8 and type this in FiveM server list™ or search for project xeon on fivem search bar !!!

If you would like Whitelisted Job Contact Either

Mul Girtab
Or make a ticket in the discord - https://discord.gg/eHMva25

Looking for a server with a Gang system that allows you to create a Gang on the fly or start up a business adventure then stop looking our server provide all

When in-game do /Gang to open Gang menu

For business, you can own

Gas Stations, all stores, trucking logistic companies

BUMP - Still hiring

Bump - still hiring for head-admin and below as well as police, EMS & other whitelisted roles just contact us via dm or create a ticket