Welcome to Project Reality Roleplay
A new server, created by experienced developers and ran by a seasoned staff team.
PR has been in development since early November and has just been released to the public after a successful beta testing phase.
Project Reality aims to be as realistic as possible.
We strive to keep as many game functions as possible away from the old “standing in a circle, clicking E” type jobs and instead implement them into our own custom crafting system. Our staff team is always working hard on coming up with new jobs and ways to earn money in a new and interesting form.
What can we offer you?
Main Features:
- TόkoVoip
- Radial F1 menu
- Custom inventory
- Custom crafting system
- Custom made LEO vehicles
- Custom clothes and uniforms
- Paycheck payout and collection
- Custom made CAD with player dispatchers
- Serious whitelisted jobs, Police, Sheriff, and EMS
- Custom drug system with the ability to grow and manufacture drugs anywhere
- A dynamic housing system that allows players to live anywhere in a plethora of housing shells and furnish their own homes
Whitelisted Jobs:
- Rockford Luxury Auto ( RLA )
- Los Santos Fire Department ( LSFD )
- Blaine County Sheriff’s Office ( BSCO )
- Los Santos Police Department ( LSPD )
- Los Santos SWAT Detachment ( Sub Division )
- Premium Deluxe Motorsport Dealership ( PDM )
- Los Santos Superior Court, lawyers, judges, and prosecutors
- Any custom company that you want to create
- Tailor
- Butcher
- Salvager
- Fisherman
- Lumberjack
- Garbage Collection
- Brinks (money transport)
- And many more
Screenshots sent in by our players
PR’s future
Moving on we aim to improve the fire department by adding actual firefighting with pagers and random fire callouts. We also strive to implement a new medical system with localized wounds, bone indexing, and realistic treatments.
Future goals include:
- Police Horses
- Stance commands
- Weapon attachments
- More custom housing shells
- Realistic trucker, fueler, and miner jobs
- Crime Scene Analytics with DNA registry, shell casings, etc.
Do you like what you’re hearing?
Happy to hear that!
We are always eager to recruit new members, not only for our server in general but also for our staff team. If you want to join us or just come check the community out, feel free to visit us on our website or our discord server.
Thank you for taking the time to read about us, we look forward to seeing you on the streets of Los Santos soon.
- Project Reality Staff Team