Problem with the ESCROW ERROR DETECTED (ex. farming_creator or some other scripts)

Hi guys, i am having a anoying problem…

I am scripting a while and have now over three years a FiveM RP server. I dindt get any time that problems since 2023.

I’ve been having issues with the scripts (mostly Jacksam’s creators) for several months, reporting an “ESCROW ERROR DETECTED” problem. I’ve diligently followed Jacksam’s instructions to “fix” these issues, but they haven’t led to success. Now, I’ve been recommended to reach out to you folks here. I don’t always encounter these errors solely with Jacksam’s creator, but occasionally with other publishers as well. Hence, my question is: Is there something wrong with the key system? Or have I made a mistake?

I tryed everything to get that in form. But nothing helped.

Hello, is it a newly uploaded script? If so, have you tried different FTP softwares, such as WinSCP?

Yes i tryed WINSCP, Remote Desktop, FileZilla (i know bad thing) and some other… but nothing from them helped to fix that

And no of escrowed files work or just some?

no, it is just sometimes, after some random server restart. And then sometimes some of the keymaster skripts are sending the “near < \1 >” Error. And then they arn´t working

Did u find a solution?
I also have the problem…

Yes ive got a Solution, the Problem was that i have a “Trojan” on my Server, witch was pasting in all my files a “local = 64xhfdt32xdrfg54”. SOmething like this. And that was also pasted under the whole ESCROW file. That was, why it was spawming everytime the error

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And how did u fix it?

did you find a fix for your problem/

how did you fix the problem?