Problem with patreon meber (15$)

I have a BIG problem with my FiveM server. I bought my fivem meber fo 15$ and i want to add custom clothes and i did everything like in [RELEASE] EUP Serve and Rescue + Law&Order 7.5 (Server Side) Update 1.2 Now With ESX Permissions! and my clothes don’t work :((.

seemingly, there is zero support from these people…really regretting pledging…

get used to it. they just want your money besides that your useless to them

I`m just trying to figure out about the stupid key and how I APPLY it to my zap server…their instructions are gibberish and super not organized, not tutorials, one would think paying for a service you would be taken immediatly to the tutorial section on how to get access and what to do when you get it. lol sorry just frustrated!


you can enter your custom license key in the Settings Page, near the bottom of the page is a “License key” Field where it can be entered :slight_smile:


Thank you, I talked with zap support and found that out. But thank you for reaching out!!

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glad this was resolved :stuck_out_tongue: