Problem with interiors

Hello, most of my interiors are spamming me this: into console and causes lags. How can i fix that? We’ve got pack of interiors in one resource.

download this

see if that helps. :slight_smile:

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It didn’t fix the problem :confused:

seems like the problem is stemming from your ballas gang mlo

Some maps/interiors/exteriors arn’t well designed and can be a bit buggy. on the bright side your server is fixing the problem. Personally i have a couple of these errors on my server but i’m using a super computer on a dedi so the server doesnt really get much lag from it.

I’d imagine if you’re getting significant server lag, try and just remove the resource causing it. Is it only the ballas gang warehouse with the issue?

I created an interior and as soon as I enter this building, the walls become invisible … Why is that?