Problem with HUD in FiveM


I have had a problem for a long time and although my HUD is shown as in the screenshot and I cannot remove it. I have already issued the HUD in es_extended Config.lua and still this annoying HUD remains

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That looks like hud ID 8.

HideHudComponentThisFrame(8) --run it in a loop
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yes it should work

Sorry but I’m an absolute beginner, what do I have to do with it now, so where can I find it or do I have to insert it somewhere, if so where? thanks

Put this code in a client.lua :




Yes, I did, but if I want to start this, it doesn’t work

Based on the car in the picture, I assume it’s a custom one. Which means its not properly set up to have the name to show up if you hit Z.
A lot car mods lack this feature however, there is plenty of tutorials on how to fix this.

Try adding it inside another script. Look for a Citizen.CreateThread and put
HideHudComponentThisFrame(8) inside of it