GTA V version? Don’t know
Up to date? → Yes, last update
Legit or Pirate copy? → Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? → Steam
Windows version? → Windows 10 (version 1909)
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again? → Yes, 4 time
Error screenshot (if any)
System specifications I7-6700 GTX950 8GB RAM
What did you do to get this issue? → I try to unistall five m and after reinstall it but it’s when I try to reinstall it that I found an other problem
What server did you get this issue on? → It’s not on a server, it’s with the five m launcher
CitizenFX.log file → Nothing because I unistall five m and failed to reinstall it
.dmp files/report IDs Same answer
If an issue with starting:
GTA V folder screenshot
GTA V/update/x64/dlcpacks screenshot
Filepath to FiveM folder
FiveM client folder screenshot
Which antivirus/firewall software are you using? → Avast Antivirus
Did you try to disable/uninstall your Anti-virus? Yes, so much time
Hello, my problem is very vagueness but I just can’t install FiveM.
The first problem began after the last update of FiveM, I had a problem with caches.xml that I deleted a lot of time, after that I went to your forum and in a topic, someone advised to unistall and reinstall FiveM, that is what I did. But my main and second problem appeared, when I try to install FiveM, I execute the launcher “FiveM.exe” and there is a first message :
but sometimes when I execute the launcher to try to install FiveM, there is an other message :
but when I select “Oui” (“yes” because i’m french) the downloading is infinite :
(I know that because I let my pc turn like this during 3 days and nothing change). That’s why my FiveM’s folder is empty and I can not install FiveM…
If somebody can help me pls, because I have this problem since 2 months.