Problem with Exports & Events (Callback) in C# (CSharp)


I’m trying to learn C# and started writing C# based framework/gamemode from scratch, but now i’m stuck with FiveM Exports.
I’m trying to get a value from one server side resource to another using Exports, but for some reason when i register the export like so:
Method 1 (to return value):
Exports.Add("LoadCharacterSkin", new Func<int, int, byte, string>((handle, charId, gender) => LoadCharacterSkin(handle, charId, gender)));
It does not register or cant be called or whatever since i get an error in the console when i try to call it from another script via:
var skin = Exports["SNJRPPlayerCustomization"].LoadCharacterSkin(handle, id, (int)gender);

Now comes the funny part… When i use:
Method 2 (Without returning the value):
Exports.Add("LoadCharacterSkin", new Action(Test));
And call it from the other script with:
Then the the export works…

Error when using Method 1:

I know this probably not the answer you want but I can attempt to find a fix for your exports problem. I usually call either an event from a separate script or build the PlayerCustomization into the script you are current working on again not an efficient method to do it but it’s something temporary until I find a fix.

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Little update! I managed to get the events working with callbacks, but so far it only works if i try to use it from server to server, when i try to trigger it from client → server to get a response from server, it just does nothing.

So currently my framework is triggering a server event from resource SNJRPPlayerCustomization and it gets a response like its supposed to with this:


BaseScript.TriggerEvent("SNJRPPlayerCustomization:GetCharacterSkin", handle, charId, genderId, >new Action<dynamic>((callback) =>
   skin = callback.ToString();


private void GetCharacterSkin(int handle, int charId, byte gender, CallbackDelegate callback)

However, if i try to trigger “SNJRPPlayerCustomization:GetCharacterSkin” from SNJRPPlayerCustomization client script, then it gives the following error on server side:

When i tried to change CallbackDelegate to NetworkCallbackDelegate, then even the server->server triggering wont work and instead of “Could not cast event argument from NetworkCallbackDelegate to CallbackDelegate” it says “Could not cast event argument from CallbackDelegate to NetworkCallbackDelegate” -_-

Still havent figured out the exports yet.

interesting because I’m getting the same error. I’m not 100% sure why it’s happening as it would be the same thing for LUA but because of C# being C# its Exports

I only really use exports I use is mainly for the spawn manager


Well yeah, like you can see from the first post, that kind of export works, but i need to exchange information between scripts and triggering 3 events to get one piece information is silly. At least i got the eventhandler working with the callback for now, gonna smoke my brains how to get information to the client script when i need to.

I’ll think of something

Okay, BIG update, i’ve figured out how to pass data from server → client, client → server and from client → client and server → server via Events.

So basically if you want to pass from:
client → client or server → server
you need to use CallbackDelegate like so:


TriggerEvent("Resource2:ServerEventToGetData", param1, new Action<dynamic>((callback) =>
    Debug.WriteLine("Callback: " + callback.ToString());


private async void ServerEventToGetDataToClient(int param1, CallbackDelegate callback)

NOW, if you want to pass information from:
client → server or server → client
you need to use NetworkCallbackDelegate like so:


TriggerServerEvent("Resource2:ServerEventToGetDataToClient", param1, new Action<dynamic>((networkCB) =>


private void ServerEventToGetDataToClient([FromSource] Player player, int param1, NetworkCallbackDelegate networkCB)

No update on exports yet.
Hard to learn something without examples/documentation available :smiley:

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Alright I did it with exports.


 public class ClientMain : BaseScript
     private void CommandTest()

Resource 2/ClientMain.cs

public ClientMain()
    Exports.Add("ExportMessage", ExportMessage);

public bool ExportMessage(bool isTrue)
    if (isTrue is true)

    return isTrue;


Ye i got exports working also, but from what i gather they only work from client → client and server → server? Cant call server event from client?

Sorry I didn’t see this until now. From my experience I don’t think you can. That’s why I suggested calling an event. Sorry.

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