Problem encountered with the Native ClearPedLastDamageBone()

Hello dear community! I hope you are all doing very well,

I’m currently having fun, or having a hard time creating a complete Medical System.
So far everything was fine, until I started doing my algorithm for Checking Players Injuries.

To put it simply, I have a function that checks the “Bones” of the players and depending on the type of weapon that caused the damage, it adds a Category of Injury and the importance of it.

To recover the “Bones” of injured players, I use the Native GetPedLastDamageBone() and everything works but I only need this information once, so to do this I use the Native ClearPedLastDamageBone() just after my check and there is the drama…

On the next check it returns the same GetPedLastDamageBone() to me as I asked ClearPedLastDamageBone() before.

Did I misunderstand Native? Am I doing it wrong?

Below you will find part of the code that is located on the problem encountered.

-- loop.lua:
while true do
    -- Set Player Damage Data

-- setPedDamage.lua:
function setPedDamage(data)
    local ped = PlayerPedId()
    local status, bone = GetPedLastDamageBone(ped)
    local PedBodyPart = string.format("%s", bone)


    if PedBodyPart ~= 0 then
        -- Code that defines the damage and on which part

I hope someone can enlighten me on this Native.

As far as I’m aware the ClearPedLastDamageBone native does not work in online/networked environments (only singleplayer, aka not in FiveM). But I’m not 100% certain, so it could just be broken. However, if I don’t remember wrong this has been discussed here before.