Preview of Pacific Bank Heist by utku

Hey man! has there been some progress on this script? would really love to use it

The base of the code pretty much finished but there is still too many details and events that I will add. Then I need to add the features I mentioned above.

would love if you would release the script or atleast give us the source code

That awesome. Can you share this anim script?

Hey again everyone, a little update on this script:
I must admit I lost my motivation about this project since I’m currently working on my warehouse script that works smiliar to smugglers job in GTA Online. You can see the progress I made in this video , lots of details will be added such as fluctuation in prices in real time according to player actions etc. I will possibly share some parts of the heist code such as hacking animation or vault door so that you can use in your own scripts. Sorry for delay…


btw that resource you may see in video is ready to play, it’s still in testing phase tho

Now that I have time, I started to work on this project again. Expect a release soon!


Here some latest preview if you are interested:


This is awesome! Cannot wait until this is released! Keep up the great work!

Dope af. Can’t wait for release bro :smiley:

This looks so dope. Jesus christ, amen

As I said, gold grab will be added, and boy it looks good.


This look awesome!
Will you share that gold grabbing code?

There are some diffuculities of executing the whole animation with prop but I will try to solve it, and ofc when ready I will share this too.


We Appreciate your work man!

Check out the latest version, it’s almost ready:


Top notch!

Looks very nice! But one question: Do you have to spam E key in order to grab or is it doing automatically? also can I cancel looting and get amount of money i looted? Thanks in advance :smiley:

That’s 2 questions lol. From the looks of the video, you just press E once and it starts the looting process. He doesn’t cancel the grabs though, but it would be easy to implement that if it’s not done so already.


@utkuali hows this coming along? :slight_smile: