🔥 Premium Roleplay | Serious RP | Streamer Friendly | 25+ Jobs | Custom Cars and Interiors | Active Staff/Developers🔥

Hey all, hope you guys are doing well, using this to introduce you to Premium RP, this server is a serious RP server with a realistic and balanced economy that places everyone on an even playing field. We have tons of custom cars and interiors with new ones being added on a regular basis, some of these interiors include a recording studio, multiple bars, multiple dispensaries and multiple gang houses. We’re currently in the process of building our LEO and EMS departments as well as the gang and criminal activities, additions will be seen to these areas over the coming weeks. One main focus for us is keeping a balanced and fair economy, with this being emphasized there is no special treatment or handouts all items and money have to be earned, this means that there is variety to players statuses in game which can lead to in depth and dynamic roleplay scenarios for all aspects including LEO, civilians, businesses and gangs. Thanks for reading and have a good day!

Our Discord: https://discord.gg/b6jDuerB67

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The snow in the city recently has been a vibe in my opinion.

Chilling in the studio type beat.

Little McDonalds rip

One of the submissions for the photo contest going on right now in our server!

Photo from a member of our server, looks like he was enjoying some fishing in the snow!

Join our discord Premium Roleplay to start your journey at Premium Roleplay!

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Lots of big updates and improvements have been in the works recently! Join our discord to find out more.

Picture taken in Mr. Stark’s mansion, lots of big updates implemented recently and more in the works, feel free to check out our server and explore on your own! Premium Roleplay Discord

Enjoying a nice day of fishing, feel free to join our server to try it out for yourself as well as many other fun activities!

We recently just added 25 new jobs and have a lot more big changes coming soon, join our discord and stay tuned for more! We’re looking for department heads too so feel free to open a ticket in our discord if you’re interested.

Currently looking to fill positions for EMS, we have an immersive EMS experience with injury diagnosis, surgery, defibrillators and more! If you’re interested join our discord and open a ticket to let us know. We’re still new and growing, when you join now you get the opportunity to be early in a roleplay community that values your opinion in a server that is always being worked on and improved!

Watching some XXL in city is never a bad time, join our discord to be a part of a growing community and get to experience immersive role play with new features being added on a regular basis, hope to see you in city soon! :fire:

Added some new beverages to the server courtesy of @wasabirobby

Join our server to join a growing roleplay community that values community opinion and is constantly being updated and improved!

Currently looking for in game business owners, if this is something you might be interested in feel free to open a ticket in our discord.


Awesome! I am glad to see you enjoying them :slight_smile:

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Added new drift tire smoke that is synced server side, courtesy of @Kuzkay


Join our server to try out the realistic drift tire smoke as well as a lot more unique and custom features!


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