[Pre-Release] MapEditor

MapEditor (A replica of MTA:SA MapEditor)

This resource allow you to create maps using objects available in GTA V. The resource is still being worked on and will be released via GitHub soon. I would like to get some feedback and features requests if any as I am hoping that the map editor will be able to serve everyone’s needs.


  • Multiplayer Mapping Support
  • Freecam
  • Create/Load/Edit/Save Maps
  • Map settings including time, weather, author and description. (As well as gamemode specific settings provided by the gamemode defintion)
  • Various different ways for entity manuiplation
  • Map Test (While working on it in the map editor)
  • Built-in entity viewer with entity preview
  • Easily create a definiation for your gamemode so the community can easily create maps for your gamemode (edf)
  • Addons Support (Will be worked on sometime after release probably)

Known issues:

  • Bad object synchronization when two or more people are working on a map (Will improve before release)
  • Some objects can not be placed atm (I believe because that some objects can only be created in certain areas? not sure if there is a workaround, would love to implement a fix)
  • Can’t pickup collisionless objects (Raycast does not intersact with them. Any ideas?)

I plan on implementing a lot more features but my current focus is to finish the base and have a stable version where all basic functionalities work flawlessly. Also the project will be hosted on GitHub so the community could help in expanding the map editor.

Here’s two videos showing where the map editor is currently setting
Entity Properties menu

Provide feedback to help improve the map editor please. Thank you!


We generally don’t allow ‘announcements of future releases’ on the forums. I’m not sure what policy on this is, usually, so I won’t close/unlist myself - but just a heads up.

Understandable. I have asked in discord if this type of post is allowed here and someone said it is not an issue. I am just looking for feedback to help make the inital release of the map editor as useful for everyone as possible as I probably won’t be able to put out any updates besides fixes after the inital release for a while. Thank you for the heads up and I could delete the post if it goes against the forum rules