Population Aera in french Riviera / Liberty City

Hello ,

I have make map with French Riviera for one of my server !
Yes I have convert the single player for online :wink:

I have found the Population Aera for GTA4 but I can’t load this xml file, I have test with Object-loader but not work!
Some peapole have idea?

Everyone is welcome for test the map our server is free…

If you whant check the file


is the map fully finished with collisions etc ???

I believe object-loader dosen’t load peds etc :frowning:

Yes for French riviera all is right … for the Sud Town this is not easy but like you can see in picture this good now! for Liberty City I have still some problem with Queens Airport… But Manhatan no problem :wink:

Yes I have testing with object-loader but this .xml is for Meyoo so nothink work :triumph:
And yes he dont spawn any ped and car…

The map with pupulation work and traffic light …

Without asset , work with Rewind :blush:

im not understand

i download rewind but my mind its bomb now XD sorry my english

can we please get a new link :slight_smile:

This realese is old so the code is maybe down…
I work on new realese but not finish, I share when is possible :wink: