Hello ,
I have make map with French Riviera for one of my server !
Yes I have convert the single player for online
I have found the Population Aera for GTA4 but I can’t load this xml file, I have test with Object-loader but not work!
Some peapole have idea?
Everyone is welcome for test the map our server is free…
is the map fully finished with collisions etc ???
I believe object-loader dosen’t load peds etc
Yes for French riviera all is right … for the Sud Town this is not easy but like you can see in picture this good now! for Liberty City I have still some problem with Queens Airport… But Manhatan no problem
Yes I have testing with object-loader but this .xml is for Meyoo so nothink work
And yes he dont spawn any ped and car…
The map with pupulation work and traffic light …
Without asset , work with Rewind
October 1, 2020, 5:43pm
im not understand
i download rewind but my mind its bomb now XD sorry my english
can we please get a new link
This realese is old so the code is maybe down…
I work on new realese but not finish, I share when is possible