[poll] ban vehicle releases from the forum

Hello everyone. Today i’m here to ask your honest opinion about a phenomenon that’s been going on in the past months here on the forums: CAR PACKS releases. I do really think this type of releases should be banned from these forums, as they are not real releases, they take not more than 2 minutes to make (they just involve moving files) and they are truly expanding at a rapid speed on the forum. it is really stupid releasing these carpacks, as this is the FIVEM FORUM, it’s not https://gta5-mods.com . If anyone wants to have some vehicles on their fivem server they can just download them off gta5-mods, we shouldn’t be releasing these releases, they are stupid and insulting for people that actually work to release scripts that anyone can use for free here on the forum. not to mention how many of these car packs break the original model licenses, constituting a “risk” for FiveM itself.

Vote here:


0 voters

I would also like to hear your opinion down there in the responses!




And before anyone says, “I don’t know how to convert them for FiveM,” let me be the first to say that you shouldn’t be running a server then.


What bout a separate section on the forums for vehicle releases just so people do not get triggered.


Even if there was a separate section on the forums for cars, people would still post in Releases because they refuse to read.


And before anyone says, “I don’t know how to convert them for FiveM,” let me be the first to say that you shouldn’t be running a server then.

^^^ This x100!

There are tutorials on the forum that explain in detail how to stream vehicles to a server. Do it once and you know how to do it forever.

It’s nice to see different type of cars and for FiveM developers to see different type of liveries to get inspired, but they shouldn’t be “released” as packs. Perhaps a megathread on here (“FiveM Discussion”) with “Your favorite Police cars” or “Your favorite sports cars” is an option where people can link their favorites.

I used to not get annoyed by these car pack releases, but over the past couple of weeks people have been releasing car packs multiple times a day cluttering the forums and pushing actual releases out of front page.


Then if they do we move their release for them. Eventually they will get the idea since usually it is the same people who release car packs anyway.

I just feel like, regardless of if we move them, there will always be people who post car packs in releases… Same as people who don’t fill out the support template. We tell probably 5-15 people per day to fill out the template, and the Collective even added the template in the message when you try making a thread in tech support, and people still don’t do it.

Would be too much of a hassle.

Offtopic: Would be cool if you could make the technical support section like an “application” in the sense it asks you questions like: Screenshot of log file. And you have to answer with an image in a text box or something.


I highly doubt they will add a section for cars. I feel like it should be allowed if ONLY they made the actual car. If they made the car they should be able to release it, rather then just “converting” it.

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Right, a Vehicle Script is still a script, therefore they should be in releases, if its so inconvenient to you, stop using the forums.

But it’s not a script…

It are just files pulled out of an RPF or in most cases a __resource.lua + stream folder attached :/…


Listen here mate, like stated above, it’s not a fucking script. Second of all, why should it be released…? It’s not a script, it wasn’t made by them? Are you that incapable of getting the files to stream?

Here’s a small guide to help you rather than relying on people to release vehicle packs that aren’t even theirs…
Start by making a folder for your cars. “AddOnPack19”

  1. Make a folder named “stream”
  2. Get the .ytd & .ytf files.
  3. Put the said files into the folder you just made, named “stream”.
  4. Back out, make a file: “__resource.lua”
  5. Put the following contents inside the “__resource.lua” file. resource_manifest_version "44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937" – I don’t think its up to date but find the most up to date manifest if its not right.
  6. It should look like this: http://images.sosarp.net/SOSA/55567.png
  7. Dont forget to start it: start AddOnPack19

If it doesnt work then I just dont even know. Just try the steps again?

Vehicle “releases” dont really bother me too much but I do believe they dont belong in the development releases. Either be in another category or not be on the forums at all.

Plus the description on the releases is “Made an awesome modification and want others to be able to use it too? Go and post it.” Can obviously tell it doesnt belong there.

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How about you shut the fuck up you stuck up prick, it is technically a script, everything you add to a server is a script, and When the fuck did i say i am incapable? and im speaking about people who have made their cars SPECIFICALLY for fivem people, so shut the fuck up, this didnt need to be like this, you being cocky, arrogant and fucked in the head is just obnoxious, it annoys me.
Im sorry Mods for saying this, but little kids at their desktop acting like smartasses cant be allowed to do this.

What are you even going on about. Where does this talk about vehicle scripts. Are you even reading…

This is obviously talking about vehicle stream releases.

Oy my god, are you all dumbasses? literally, he is talking about getting rid of vehicles from the forums!?!?!?!
Where the hell did I speak about VEHICLE SPECIFIC SCRIPTS?! See, I didn’t so stop making me about to be dumb, when I’m really not, learn your place in life and grow up

Jesus christ you speak of everyone being kids and look at yourself. XD. You are a moron sir.

Cmon I will be waiting on an ignorant response.


I am not a moron sir.
Ill have you know you are being stupid to the point its liek a pop tart, so learn your place in life “Sir”

And im not the one being arrogant am i, or cocky or stupid, am i?

Lol, I am far from stupid… I promise lol

Cmon any other childish remarks you would lile to get off of your hurt feelings? I will be your punching bag.