Police Academy EUP Pack -- By JulyGee

– Police Academy EUP – By JulyGee#0001

You must have EUP 9.0+ for this to work! Only thing included are textures.
For install just drag and drop into your EUP Stream Folder.

Do not attempt to rip or resale any textures above! This item is not for intended for sale.

– vMenu Numbers –

–Male Uniform

  • Male Cadet Polo: Shirts & Overlays # (02) Texture # (12)

  • Male Instructor Polo: Shirts & Overlays # (02) Texture # (11)

  • Male Police Academy Pants: Lower Body # (49) Texture # (03)

  • Male Police Academy Hat: Hats # (09) Texture # (03)

– Female Uniform

  • Female Cadet Polo: Shirts & Overlays # (14) Texture # (06)

  • Female Instructor Polo: Shirts & Overlays # (14) Texture # (07)

  • Female Police Academy Pants: Lower Body # (51) Texture # (03)

  • Female Police Academy Hat: Hats # (10) Texture # (05)


  • All patches included are for Creative Commons usage. Have Fun!!

Police Academy EUP Pack (FiveM) – By JulyGee.rar (34.0 MB)


Nice release



It doesn’t what antivirus are you using?


I’m not sure what that link is. Here is it ran with the url from your google drive files. VirusTotal

Please attempt to rearchive the files since the current download triggers Windows Defender and we’re getting flags about that.

I am getting an virus detected aswell https://gyazo.com/5d10d8ecdc87ed90098bf5e633bfb6f1?token=ed19dff4c270587cf0bb0537bd62d428 and i also give regular windows defender

I just want to add that I did indeed get a virus warning but I have scanned through the files and actually put the files into Virustotal and it does not have a virus for anybody who is worrying about it, this is a great EUP pack and can only imagine how hard the developer worked on it and is a real shame that people are not downloading this due to the reasons above. I will say again, anybody who is thinking about downloading this you will indeed get a virus warning but it is a false alarm. Below is my Virustotal scan if anybody is still sceptical. VirusTotal

IDK what it is. I removed all the pictures and just left the texture files. It still comes up as a phishing virus when you scan the link. If you scan the files themselves there are no threats detected. It may be a glitch on googles end.

Thanks for verifying. Im getting the same issue with only the drive link. The files are fine on virus total.

Cool release, I initially downloaded this on LSPDFR a few months ago :smiley:. Hope you can fix the download link soon!

I bought your police eup a long time ago but it didn’t show up in my cfx key. Now I want to use it but I can’t find the download link…